Click here for Independent Plot Results


June 17, 2016 - Pittsfield Plot

Majority of hybrids are reaching V-10 or V-11 stage now. No rainfall at the plot since the last report on June 10th, however, the hybrids look very good, despite the dry weather. Certain defensive hybrids appear to be adapting to the current droughty conditions better than other, more offensive, or high yielding hybrids. Plot could use a good 1-2” soaker rain.

Some corn borer activity was seen in the conventional hybrids, with defined leaf feeding and in two instances, you were able to see the actual caterpillar in the leaf whorl. No evidence of feeding in the traited varieties.

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June 13, 2016 - Pittsfield Plot

The plot varieties are showing excellent plant health, and the corn is now taking advantage of the nitrogen, and exhibiting the solid, dark green color associated with full nitrogen uptake. At today’s inspection, the majority of the plants are at V-8 to V-9 stage (based on fully identifiable leaf collars). Weed control is adequate, and the corn will soon completely close the canopy and effectively shut out sunlight to any newly emerged weed varieties.

We expect to see the first hybrids reach tassel stage by the end of the June based on Growing Degree Days accumulated to date.

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June 8, 2016 - Jerseyville Plot

Several stand counts were taken, with emergence and growing corn ranging from 31,000 plants per acre to nearly 34,000 plants per acre indicating a range of 90% to 100% germination and emergence in individual hybrids. Appears some lower leaf injury due to chemical application, but not severe and likely will not impede plant growth and yield potential. Individual plants are reaching V-4 to V-5 stage and reaching nitrogen, indicated by good healthy green color.



May 31, 2016 - Jerseyville Plot 

1.5" of rain was recorded at the Jerseyville Plot on Saturday, May 28th. The plot is looking great, and, as of last week, we have our sign set at the new location.


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May 31, 2016 - Pittsfield Plot

The Pittsfield Plot is really moving along, as you can see in these pictures. The plot received just around 1/10" of rain over the weekend.

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May 17, 2016 - Pittsfield Plot

As of 6:30am this morning, the Pittsfield Plot has received 0.5" of rain Monday into Tuesday morning.

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May 12, 2016 - Pittsfield Plot

The rain gauge at the Pittsfield Plot was checked at 6:30am this morning, and the plot received 0.6" of rain in the storms yesterday and overnight. There was some standing water on the edges of the field but still looking good overall.

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May 9, 2016 - Pittsfield Plot

The Pittsfield Plot received just under 1" of rain over the weekend. We are just over three weeks post planting and everything is looking great!

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May 6, 2016 - Jerseyville Plot

The Jerseyville Plot is 12 days post planting and corn leaves beginning to emerge from the ground!



May 2, 2016

Our plots are doing great, with both areas receiving some rain in the last few days. The Jerseyville Plot received 2/10" of rain mid-week last week. The Pittsfield Plot received just over 1" on Friday night and Saturday night, and just under 1/10" on Sunday.

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April 28, 2016 - Pittsfield Plot

A beautiful sunrise over the Pittsfield Plot this morning. Just a little under 2/10" of rain was recorded at the plot in last night's weather event.

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April 26, 2016 - Pittsfield Plot

The Pittsfield Plot has been missing the spotty rain showers throughout the past week and finally got 1 & 1/10" of rain today.

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April 26, 2016 - Jerseyville Plot

We now have both Independent Seed Plots planted, as we finished up Jerseyville around 6pm last night. It was a great day, sunny and in the 80's for planting.


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April 21, 2016

A lot of the area has seen small pockets of rain in the last few days. The Pittsfield Plot has been one of the areas that has not received much rain, only showing a trace of rain at 6:30 this morning.  We are still watching the weather forecast and hoping to get the Jerseyville Plot Planted in the next week. 


April 15, 2016

The Pittsfield Independent Plot was planted today, with temperatures starting in the 50s and warming up into the 70s. 

For 2016, Farmers State Bank will have three replicated plots, all with the same genetics and related hybrids. The first plot will be non-GMO seed with granular insecticide.  The second plot will be GMO seed with granular insecticide, with the third plot being GMO seed without granular insecticide.  Once harvested, Farmers State Bank will provide results and assessments of over 30 different seed types exclusively to their customers. 

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Click Here for 2015 Plot Thoughts

Customers tell us the results from our plots are vital for making seed selections to boost yield and profitability.

Prior to 2003, there were no local, independent test plots. Since 2003, Farmers State Bank has operated two independent plots located in Pittsfield and Jerseyville. Over thirty suppliers provide their most promising seed varieties.

Call the location nearest you to find out how you could utilize the Plot Results to assist you in your seed selection process.

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