Personal Information
Name (First, Middle, Last)
This field is required
Telephone Number
This field is required
Home Address
This field is required
Email Address
This field is required
City, State, Zip
This field is required
This field is required
Length of residence in this county (years)
This field is required
Name of Parent or Guardian
This field is required
This field is required
City, State, Zip
This field is required
Date and Place of Birth
This field is required
Is anyone dependent on you for support?
Choose One
This field is required
If yes, name and relationship
This field is required
How many family members will be attending college full-time during the next four years?
This field is required
Please list their names, relationship and years they will be attending college:
This field is required
College Information
Name of college you are planning to attend
This field is required
Location of College
This field is required
Anticipated cost of the first year's tuition, room & board and books
This field is required
Financial Need Information
Check any of the applicable items below to indicate how you plan to pay your expenses not covered by the scholarship
Money furnished by family
Earnings during the summer
Student Employment
Student Loans
Other means
Please list other means
This field is required
Are you aware of other monetary awards you are receiving?
Choose One
This field is required
High School Activities and Community Activities
Please list below activities in which you have participated during your high school career. (include high school activities and community activities)
This field is required
Special Awards and Honors
Please list below any special honors or awards received in high school or in the community while in high school.
This field is required
Please write below a short essay describing your career plans
This field is required
What has your experience over the last four years in Pittsfield High School band and/or chorus meant to you? How has it helped you grow and mature into a young adult?
This field is required
Please upload High School transcript or have guidance office send transcript to (PDF files please)
File is required
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all information given on this application is true and correct.
This field is required
Signature (please type name)
This field is required